Jiongchi Yu

Hello, I am Jiongchi Yu (俞炯弛). Many people also call me TTFish. I am a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Computing and Information Systems at Singapore Management University (SMU) supervised by Prof. Xiaofei Xie.

I received my bachelor’s degree from Zhejiang University, advised by Prof. Zhikang Xu and I was fortunate to take the guidance of Prof. Fan Zhang. I served as the team leader of Zhejiang University Supercomputing Team (ZJUSCT) for two years and helped reconstruct public services (e.g. ZJU Mirror).

I am open to all sorts of communication. Please feel free to contact me 😃.


My current research focuses on testing and security issues of Cloud Native Infrastructure.
  • 2024.07
  • One paper is accepted on ISSTA 2024
  • 2024.05
  • One co-authored paper is accepted on IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
  • 2024.03
  • One co-authored paper is accepted on WWW 2024 Short Papers Track
  • 2024.01
  • One co-authored paper is accepted on ACNS 2024
  • 2023.12
  • One co-authored paper is accepted on Computers & Security
  • 2023.11
  • I passed Ph.D. Qualifying Examination
  • 2023.08
  • One co-authored paper is accepted on IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
  • 2023.07
  • Awarded the SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowship 😃
  • 2023.06
  • Got assigned CVE-2023-4156 🐞 Detailed Report
  • 2023.03
  • Website in use


    Bugs in Pods: Understanding Bugs in Container Runtime Systems
    Jiongchi Yu, Xiaofei Xie, Cen Zhang, Sen Chen, Yuekang Li, Wenbo Shen
    In Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis - ISSTA 2024 CCF-A
    Improving Model Robustness against Adversarial Examples with Redundant Fully Connected Layer
    Ziming Zhao, Zhaoxuan Li, Tingting Li, Jiongchi Yu, Fan Zhang and Rui Zhang
    In Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference - WWW 2024 (Short Paper) CCF-A
    DDoSMiner: An Automated Framework for DDoS Attack Characterization and Vulnerability Mining
    Xi Ling, Jiongchi Yu, Ziming Zhao, Zhihao Zhou, Haitao Xu, Binbin Chen and Fan Zhang
    In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security - ACNS 2024 CCF-C
    GameRTS: A Regression Testing Framework for Video Games
    Jiongchi Yu*, Yuechen Wu*, Xiaofei Xie, Wei Le, Lei Ma, Yingfeng Chen, Yujing Hu and Fan Zhang
    In Proceedings of the 45th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering - ICSE 2023 CCF-A
    FOSS: Towards Fine-Grained Unknown Class Detection against the Open-Set Attack Spectrum with Variable Legitimate Traffic
    Ziming Zhao, Zhaoxuan Li, Xiaofei Xie, Jiongchi Yu, Fan Zhang, Rui Zhang, Binbin Chen, Xiangyang Luo, Ming Hu, Wenrui Ma
    IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking, To Appear - TON 2024 CCF-A
    DDoS family: A novel perspective for massive types of DDoS attacks
    Ziming Zhao, Zhaoxuan Li, Zhihao Zhou, Jiongchi Yu, Zhuoxue Song, Xiaofei Xie, Fan Zhang and Rui Zhang
    Computers & Security, Vol 138, 103663 - COSE 2024 CCF-B
    CMD: Co-analyzed IoT Malware Detection and Forensics via Network and Hardware Domains
    Ziming Zhao, Zhaoxuan Li, Jiongchi Yu, Fan Zhang, Xiaofei Xie, Haitao Xu and Binbin Chen
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, pp. 1-15 - TMC 2023 CCF-A
    Porous Photo-Fenton Catalysts Rapidly Triggered by Levodopa-Based Mussel-Inspired Coatings for Enhanced Dye Degradation and Sterilization
    Shangjin Yang*, Zhiyuan Xu*, Lingyun Zou*, Jiongchi Yu, Jian Ji and Zhikang Xu
    Langmuir 2022, 38, 9587-9696 SCI
    Calculation and Optimization of Correlation Function in Distillation Method of Lattice Quantum Chromodynamcis
    Renqiang Zhang, Xiangyu Jiang, Jiongchi Yu, Chong Zeng, Ming Gong and Shun Xu
    Acta Physica Sinica 2021, 70(16): 161201 SCI
    MoS2 Membranes with Photothermal Conversion Property for Nanofiltration and Antibacterial Activity
    Jiongchi Yu, Mengqi Ma, Chengye Zhu, Dengfeng Hu, Jian Ji and Zhikang Xu
    Acta Polymerica Sinica 2021, 52(5) 505-513 SCI


    Zhejiang University Supercomputing Team
    2018.05 - 2021.02

    I joined Zhejiang University Supercomputing Team (ZJUSCT) in 2018 and served as the team leader for 2 years. We have grown into a team of more than 20 undergraduate students and have achieved much progress:

    • Participate in international student cluster competitions (e.g., ASC, ISC) and win awards
    • Start the Git service (ZJU Git) and reconstruct the open source mirror site (ZJU Mirror) for Zhejiang University
    • Prepare the sophomore-oriented course “Introduction of Supercomputing” and serve as the teaching assistant [Course Material]
    Netease Fuxi AI Lab
    2022.01 - 2022.05
    Research Intern
    Research on testing online combat games and test cases selection of industrial regression testing for video games, specifically for online combat game Justice Online


    1. SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowship, SMU, 2023
    1. 5th Place, International Student Cluster Competition (ISC 2022), 2022
    1. First Prize Award, Asia Student Supercomputer Challenge (ASC 20-21), 2021
    1. Bronze Award, The 8th “Intel Cup” Parallel Application Challenge (PAC 2019) , 2019
    1. Second Prize Award, The 12th National College Information Security Contest, 2019
    1. Second Prize Award, Asia Student Supercomputer Challenge (ASC 2019), 2019

    Professional Services

    Junior Program Committee:   MSR'(2024 2025)
    AE Committee Member:   ISSTA'2024, CCS'2023, USENIX Security'2024, EuroSys'2024
    Reviewer:   Journal of Network and Computer Applications

    Fun Stuff

    I have 8+ years of orchestra expeience as a violin player

    I am passionate into otaku stuffs while still remaining N2 QwQ

    I am a National Second-Class Referee for Basketball and Table Tennis